Closing Ceremony of Month-Long FSM Training

Capacity Building Training for Family Support Motivators has concluded successfully. This month-long training aimed to inculcate Early Childhood Development pedagogies, models, approaches, theories, and practices. Rupani Foundation strives to provide a quality ECD education and in order to maintain its standard of quality services, Capacity Building training and refresher courses are organized and conducted from time to time.
Through the course of one month, around 29 FSMs from Gilgit-Baltistan region engaged in a multitude of class-based individual and group activities. They also learned basic Chinese and Yoga. Teachers will deliver the learned theories and practices in their respective classes.

FSMs of newly established Community Based Agah Walidain-Informed Parents centers, as well as the new inducted FSMs from Gilgit and Danyore centers, also participated.

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