Development and growth of young children in their formative years in terms of cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential is vital to optimize their abilities. Scientific research validates the importance of first 1000 days in optimizing child’s development through combined impact of education, care, health, nutrition, protection and stimulation. While only 35% of age 3 to 5 years old children have access to pre-primary education facilities in Pakistan and prenatal to 3 years of age facilities are absent. Accessibility and affordability are major factors that hinder parents from acquiring best educational services. In this regard, Rupani Foundation introduced a cost-effective and accessible innovative venture to serve marginalized and downtrodden segments of Pakistan.

Mobile ECD a pioneer innovative effort of Rupani Foundation that ensures provision of cost-effective Early Childhood Development on the door steps to the marginalized suburbs of cities. This inventive school caters to children from prenatal stage to three years of age. Parents and caregivers also engage in the holistic development of each child. Mobile ECD truck has been equipped with necessary ECD material, books, age relevant toys, audio and visual equipment (LED). To counter changing weather patterns, cooling and heating facility has also been installed. Two well trained Family Support Motivators (FSMs) conduct sessions and engage parents, caregivers and children in stimulating activities. Major components of this initiative are;
Responsive parenting sessions for parents, health and hygiene, marriage counseling is offered to newlywed couples and prospective parents, prenatal education is disseminated to pregnant mothers to ensure good health of both mother and child. Besides this, family harmony sessions involve both parents where they learn create a healthy conducive learning environment at home. Mobile ECD also provides space to sensitize community on social issues, child rights, importance of ECD education, and impact of community engagement in educational endeavors.