After a successful implementation of Umeed program in Sindh, the same model was replicated in Gilgit with the name Early Learning Model (ELM) Centre. The need to start a similar program arouse when parents of 3+ aged children of AW-IP centre demanded provision of same quality and learning process for a smooth transition into formal schooling for their children. The program is now being run in Gilgit with 4 levels of classes starting from ECD-1 to 4. This model provides a holistic learning environment and education that enables graduates in smooth transition into mainstream education. Through interactive and innovative learning approaches children are prepared for future endeavors. Contemporary modules and pedagogies are practiced in classroom to enhance learning. Both indoor and outdoor activities stimulate young mind to discover world and create new things.


Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping one relax and manage stress and anxiety. Almost anyone can do Yoga.

Children are born with an innate flexibility and yoga poses help to prolong this gift. Yoga allows children to learn self-control, enhancing their focus and awareness.

To promote healthy lifestyle in target areas RF has trained two staff members who provide regular yoga sessions to parents, grandparents, children and staff members.